Sunday, March 13, 2011

Used to call it The Wateva Life !!!

Cant handle this any longer...
This pain i release out of anger...
It doesnt make me any stronger...
Im growing weaker...

Time changes everything...
It cant be neither interesting...
Nor thrilling...
Just horrifying...

Im full of glumness...
Full of sadness...
Living in sorrowness...
Cant help the madness...

All i needed was something rare...
And everything i had went out of care...
It seemed so bare...
But i felt the despair...

This dejection...
U can see no reaction...
A pain of inattention...
Shows its all reflection...

Here alone, waiting...
Just hoping...
Keep praying...
For everything...

We could see the glory...
If u could just let it slip of your memory...
We would live in love full of purity...
That there's nothing to worry...

It was just me and you...
U'll say I LOVE YOU...
And i would look at you...
Telling you how much i love you too...

This poem means a lot to me..
I dont noe if ur gonna understand me afta this...
But it doesnt matter much...
Cause all i want rite now...

Riva ^_^

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