Tuesday, January 25, 2011

PikkaBoo !!! ^_^

PikkaBoo Bunnie !!!
So childish laa both of us...
Infront of every1 we'll be doin that....
But its like so AWESOME !!!
and u noe wat ?! each time i think about u...
u tend to pass by the next second !!!
And im like....
Gosh ^_^

Im praying day and nite hoping notin goes wrong between us !!!
Im trusting u like i neva did be4...
And make sure u dun do anytin wrong that i can loose trust on u...
Im beggin' u !!!

Study hard.....
I noe ur still smoking....
Im keeping my mouth shut about it !!!
I wont stop u from anytin....
Be as u like...
Just dun do anytin stupid !!!

Oh yea...
I almost forgot...


Riva ^_^

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