Sunday, March 20, 2011

Single and ready to mingle !!!

Now i can say that im SINGLE proudly...
Dont have to use that stupid line.. " Its complicated laa "
LOL !!! xD

PMR laaa
Hw ah ?!
Haizz =.="
No time for HAWT GUYZ : (

No laa... 
thats not gonna be a distraction..
I still can have fun while i concentrate on my studies !!!
Rivarthini Cheliyen is a professional in that !!!
Hahaha.. prasan mode activated !!!! LOL : )

Got so many on my list laa...
I can list it down..But damn malas =P
Should i go for it or should i juz wait and go with the flow ?!?!?!
See la how ?!

I did think about being single till' SPM !!!
But that feels stupid...
It would feel like i have not moved on !!
Why would i want that ?! =p
I rather live my life !!!

And so... i've decided to......


Riva ^_^

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