Thursday, March 10, 2011

It reli hurts !!!!

MY ARM HURTS LIKE HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant lift it up....
The pain was awesome...
But too painful that I CRIED !!! :'(

Best part was....
Wen i was getting it...HE WAS THERE !!!!
And wen he was getting it.. I WAS THERE !!!!
Hahahaha... aweosme rite ?! I noe I noe.. Chehh.....
Hehe : )

Newayzz...Back to the INJECTION !!!
My arm is freaking swollen...
Damn bloody pain laaaa :'(
I cant do my exam properly aso..
Put my whole arm on the table for 5 mins aso.. It'll start aching like shit !!!
Argghhh !!!!

Hope it gets well soon laa.... Wanna go out and have fun during the holidayzz....
Go swimming..Badminton.. Jogging....SUNWAY PYRAMID !!!!!!
Aaahhhh... My shopping paradise : )

Riva ^_^

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