Saturday, January 29, 2011

Freakin Excited !!!

Bunnie...........Im so excited !!!
Especially afta readin ur wallpost !!!
Im gona have so much  fun with u !!!

Gonna see u dance sumore..
Hahahxxx :)
Cant wait laa shayang....
Korean song ah ?!

I aso gonna dance laaa....
Vanishaa force me to......
But i dun wan...
Very shy u noe ^_^
Hahaxxx :)

Oh ya..
I'll oni talk to u...
If u make a fool out of urslef...
Long time neva see u act so stupid laa....
Lolx :)

And dun do anytin stupid wen we r togetha okay....
I juz hope we wont get into trouble or sumtin !!!
I'll pray like hell.........
U aso muz pray okay....

AND NOW .......................
gosh !!!
LO.V.E can kill ppl thru hyperness !!!
WOW !!!
now oni i noe laa.....
U noe earlier ah ???
Yes ?! No ?! Neva mind !!!
I din noe 10 % is lyk 110 %.....o.0 !!!
Well i almost died !!! Died i tell u..DIED !!!
Hahaxx...Maybe i should stop this CRAP !!!

I dunno wat to wear laa...Would a dress do ????
Im so blurr on wat to wear...
Should i come sweet ?! ( sweet = naked - virein's language )
Hahxx....Every1 's eyes would be popped out !!!
Looking at a smokin hawt gal on the RUNWAY !!! ( FYI... ITS ME !! )
HAHAHXX....Gosh..Maybe i should do that...Wat do u say ?!

U aso come sweet laa...
Then ppl can easily identify us....
That we r LOVERS !!!!
Hahaxx.... :)

Im so tired of talking to myslef while typing for this blogg.....
Hyperness can produce tiredness....
Now...I dun wana start wit my SCIENCE alrite....
So i betta get goin....

Bubye Bunnie........
Sweet Dreamzz
Muaxx....Luv ya !!!

Riva ^_^

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