Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mr.Matt : )

Mr.Matt Is....Is...Is... a GUY laaa  : )

And after a long time...
He's back in action !!!
Talking to me !!!!!!!!!!!
I tell u...
I was so freaking happy.....
Like i dun feel so lifeless anymore..
But it doesnt mean that i was bored with ppl around me or wat.....
Its juz tht.....
Its different laa......

But we're oni talking like " HI" and " BYE "
Thats all : (
Notin more laa...
But we do talk on the fon ! : )
Afta a long time...
we finally spoke on the fon..
And it was very odd....
There was an awkward silence at one part...
HeHe : )

And i gt so.. i dunno !!!
I felt so awful...
All of a sudden !
And i was like " i gtg... Bubye "
Dayumn... i shut the fon !!!!
Haizzzz... HeHe : )

It was so normal...
And its nt like hw it was lastime....
Where we were like so... I dunno  laa !!!
Cant reli describe it.....

Plus everyone's saying tht we're gonna get togetha soon....
But i dun reli see it...
I've made my mistakes...
And im sure it takes time for him to get over it...
He was hurt !!!
I knew that...
But i was stuck laa...
Damn blurr !!!!!
Haizzz =.="

Past is past.....
Notin can be done !

at least im Happy now....
I have my fwens....
Its nice living wit em..
And yea.. sumtimes PAIN .....
Its awesome laaa !!!!
Juz love it ^_^

Riva ^_^

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