Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year !!!

Hey Every1 ...............

Happy New Year !!!

A whole new year.... Wit a fresh new start  !!!
Hope everything goes well...
Newayzz...This wat i thought of doin at 12 am....

Staring rite at the moon..And shout out " Happy New Year !!! "
But too bad..There's no full moon this time !!! =(

Btw...Im throwing a party for new year !!!
Its a BBQ party...Tonite !!!
Gosh..I cant wait ^_^

Hahaxx....Newayzz.....HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riva ^_^

Monday, December 27, 2010

Life's A Bitch !!!

Life's A Bitch...

This is a line that an ancient professor uses !!!
He thinks ppl give up on things too fast nowadays..
So they go for another choice !!!

I guezzz o.0

He's name is Professor Clazz...

And to my P.O.V ( point of view )...
Its rite...
They're juz curious to noe wats on the other side of an obstacle...
It may be stupid...crazy...and risky !!!
But u neva noe how amazing the result could be...

Think about it !!!

Riva ^_^

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wat the hell ?!

I thought sumone said they're not gonna view my blog... curious to noe wat i'll be back for isit ????

Good luck with Australia...................^_^

Bunnies can be nice..At times it can juz turn out wild ^_^
Keep that Kangaroo Attitude of urs to urslef..
And no one gets hurt in here !!!!


Gee =)...That was awesome !!!

The pokes are reli hurting u noe....
But its nice to noe sumone u reli love hurts u for sum good reasons ^_^

Riva ^_^

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mr.Perasan Kes A.K.A Asshole

Asshole !!!! ( a.k.a perasan kes )

He looks reli cute wen he take pics like that...Haizzz super cute lah !!!!!!
Wonder why he used to take pics like : - staring at the camera
                                                            - looking at sumtin sumwhere else
                                                            - GIVING THE SERIOUS LOOK !!!!!

Haizz....its way betta wen he take pics of his smiling face...or that reli cute face he does....Ahmygod !!

And wen he receives text messages...He stares at the phone !!!!!!!!!!!! As if sumone juz pranked him or sumtin or trying to bring up a fight..HaHa..So funny lahh..Lolx ^_^

Its very hard to judge him at times...A really different character !!
He has bad habits..But that doesnt mean i should change him into a betta person...
That he should realize and ask himself wat he should do...
He chose his life  that way..And I can stick wit it...
Thru thick or thin...Im there wit him !!! ^_^

But now...Everything is over..So many probs !!! =(

To me...
If I had neva met the other guy and if 24th july neva happened...
It would have been perfect wit ' Mr.Perasan Kes '

Even my best fren...who alwiz told me to stay away from him coz of his attitude and his terrible habits...
Agreed the same !!! =)

I'll get back to my Hunn..Not now !!!
After reaching my aim...

My hunn knows how important my aim is to me..So he'll understand ^_^

Riva ^_^

Its Raining !!!

KISS THE RAIN WHENEVER YOU NEED ME ^_^ so gonna play in the rain rite now..So bored of waitin !!!
Lolx ^_^

Rain rain come again...
Little Riva wants to play !!!

HaHa...Isnt that so cute ?!?!?!!?!  Rofl...=)

Riva ^_^

Riva...Simply Me ^_^

Randomzzz ^_^

Everything will be fine !!!

Im so sorry
i noe i've been very unfair to u...
Its all my fault...
But i reli need do to this coz its the best for us !!!
I'll be back...Trust me 
I may not be the same as i was wit u...
Sumhow...I'll come back to u for forgiveness ^_^

Riva ^_^

Me ^_^

Im Riva ^_^
This is actually my fourth blog...
I forgot my passwords for the rest of the blog coz it was ages since i'd sign in to my account !!!
Haizzzzzzz...I noe rite ?!?!
Lolx...Btw , gonna keep updating stuffs on this blog ^_^
Hope it doesnt end up like the rest...Haha !!!

Riva ^_^